(Marcel Duchamp playing chess in his studio, 1952 (Kay Bell Reynal (1905-1977))
1. d2-d4, d7-d6, 2. Dd1-d2, e7-e5, 3. a2-a4, e5-e4, 4. Dd2-f4, f7-f5, 5. h2-h3, Lf8-e7, 6. Df4-h2, Ld8-e6, 7. Ta1-a3, c7-c5, 8. Ta3-g3, Dd8-a5+, 9. Pb1-d2, Le7-h4, 10. f2-f3, Le6-b3, 11. d4-d5, e4-e3, 12. c2-c4, f5-f4
Mede mogelijk gemaakt door: NRC Media, ThePostOnline bv, Joop.nl (VARA), Uitgeversmaatschappij De Telegraaf B.V.,IKEA, Koninklijke Nederlandse Schaakbond, Zandvlietcollege en Nutsschool Bezuidenhout.
JOHN CAGE. Reunion Performance. March 5, 1968. Sightsound-systems Festival, Ryerson Polytechnical Institute Theater, Toronto Canada. Teeny Duchamp observing Marcel Duchamp and John Cage playing on board designed & built by Lowell Cross. Photo by Eldon Garnet. © 1968.
Marcel Duchamp en Eve Babitz playing chess, foto: Julian Wasser, Pasadena Art Museum, 1963
It was the fall of 1963 now. More than a year had passed since Eve’s adventures abroad. She had a new boyfriend, Walter Hopps, but the same problem: he was married. Hopps, 31, then curator of the Marcel Duchamp retrospective at the Pasadena Art Museum, had neglected to invite her to the private party for the show’s October 7 opening because his wife had unexpectedly returned to town. (Too bad. It was some party, Andy Warhol, Dennis Hopper, and Beatrice Wood, the inspiration for Catherine in Truffaut’s Jules and Jim, all dressed to the nines and sipping pink champagne at the ultra-swellegant Hotel Green.) Said Eve, “I decided that if I could ever wreak any havoc in [Walter’s] life I would.”
She proved as good as her word. Julian Wasser, then taking pictures for Time, approached her at the opening, the public opening, which she’d attended, humiliatingly enough, with her parents. Wasser told her he was looking for a girl willing to be photographed playing chess with Duchamp, who in the 20s had all but forsaken his career as an artist to devote himself exclusively to the game. The only catch: the girl would have to strike a pose toute nue, since the Frenchman’s most famous work was titled Nude Descending a Staircase (No. 2). In a move so Hollywood it was practically a rite of passage, Eve agreed to bare all for the camera. Only she wouldn’t be doing it for rent money like some down-on-her-luck starlet. She’d be doing it for revenge.
And art.
Wasser had a reputation as one of the most exciting young photographers on the scene. When asked why he chose Eve, he said, “I knew she’d blow Duchamp’s mind. She had a very classic female body.” The artist Larry Bell was even more direct on Eve’s appeal: “She had the biggest tits in Hollywood!”
At eight the following morning, a nervous Eve entered the museum. She hung around while Wasser set up, her mother’s advice ringing in her ears, Never put anything in writing or a photo, along with her father’s, Take his queen. At last, Duchamp arrived. Wasser gave her the signal. Eve took a deep breath and dropped her smock.
Collage Tanning
George Koltanowski (1903-2000), en vlnr Julien Levy (staand), Frederick Kiesler, Alfred Barr Jr., Xanti Schawinski, Vittorio Rieti, Dorothea Tanning en Max Ernst. Tanning maakte van drie door Levy genomen foto's een fotocollage.
Julien Levy, along with Marcel Duchamp and Max Ernst, put on a show at the Levy Gallery called Imagery of Chess.
The show ran from December 12, 1944 through January 31, 1945. Duchamp was undoubtedly the impetus behind the show which included 32 listed contributors (actually, a few more), one for each man on a chess board.
(Julien Levy is dan de eigenaar van de Julian Levy Gallery (1931 -1949, Manhattan, NYC)
“Absurde gebeurtenissen volgen elkaar op.Een land wordt failliet verklaart. Er zijn een verre oorlogen dichtbij. Vluchtelingen stromen naar Europa. Europa is verdeeld. Extreme partijen laten zich horen en in positieve communicatie verbloemd men een economische en morele crisis. ...
...Schaken is een oorlogspel. En kent eindspel situaties die de partij onbeslist doen eindigen: Er is een patstelling, een van de spelers kan eeuwig schaak geven, er staat driemaal dezelfde stelling op het bord(herhaling van zetten), of in de laatste 50 zetten is geen stuk geslagen en geen pion verplaatst. ...
...Is er een analogie tussen het op- treden van Poetin en eeuwig schaak, tussen CAO onderhandelingen en 50 zetten zonder geslagen stuk of beweging van een pion, tussen pat- stelling en de Griekse situatie, de ver- deling van de vluchtenden in de EU? ”...
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